In the 15th Century, The old port of Sakai was an important trade center between Japan, the Ming Dynasty in China and south-east Asia. Aloeswood (also known as Agarwood) and Sandalwood were some of the important trade goods from overseas which were imported here.Kyara is Japanese for the highest grade of Aloeswood, and Jinko is the standard variety.
Byakudan is the Japanese name for Sandalwood.
In those days, Sakai was a strong economic power through its trade. A golden age of culture blossomed and sophisticated incense preparation methods were studied and developed on a large scale.
In the 16th century, today’s well known stick incense was introduced from China and the first production in Japan was in Sakai. Since the Edo period (1603-1868) traditional compounding and production techniques have been refined and passed down. Incense continues to be produced in Sakai to this today.
Our Incense is made by blending powdered Aloeswood and other fragrances. At its base is the powdered bark from a species of laurel (Machilus thunbergii); used because it is virtually odorless and doesn’t produce much smoke.By adding water to the powdered laurel bark it becomes highly sticky; this is necessary for producing linear-shaped ‘sticks’.
The incense of Sakai was introduced and described in a manga/comic strip published in 1988, titled, “Traditional Industry of Sakai” The drawings were made by members of the ‘Society for the Study of Manga’ from St. Andrews University in Osaka. It was edited by Sakai City Industrial Promotion Center.
1) 牡丹花肖柏(ぼたんげしょうはく、嘉吉3年(1443年)- 大永7年4月4日(1527年5月4日))は、
2) 恐らく坂内宗拾(曽呂利新左衛門)を指すと思われる。
3) 小西弥十郎如清 小西如清とは小西行長の兄を指すが、この薬種問屋小西弥十郎如清とは、父の小西隆佐を指すと思われる。ルイス・フロイスに師事しキリシタンとなる。その後秀吉に仕え、河内国・和泉国における豊臣氏の蔵入地の代官に任命。天正20年(1592年)、朝鮮出兵が始まると肥前名護屋城に入るが、まもなく発病して堺から京都に戻り、そのまま死去した。
For a long time, Sakai city was a major ‘hub’ port in south east Asia; with many foreign vessels continually arriving. They traded general goods and incense: “Kyara” (high quality Aloeswood) and “Jinko” (Aloeswood)."Many wholesalers of Chinese and south east Asian goods in Sakai traded in aromatic woods.Around 1730, experts who had mastered tea and incense-smelling ceremonies. Introduced these aesthetics to merchants. Due to this popularization, production of various kinds of incense became commercialized.
Production methods have been passed down through families; from the father to only one of his sons. Only the inheritor is called "Jinko-ya" and this still remains unchanged.Yajuro Konishi a traditional herbalist lived in Yadoya-Cho. He learned how to make incense sticks when visiting Korea in the Tensho Period (1573 - 1592) and subsequently introduced it to Sakai. So, from that time high quality incense utilizing the traditional compounding method has been produced here.
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The Tree of Tabu was called tree of "Tama" (tama means spirit). It is a broad-leaved evergreen tree, vivid and tall which always has glossy leaves. It was once believed that a divine spirit dwelt in this tree.From Tama to Tamu eventually, coming to be called the tree of "Tabu"
The incense sticks take the role of shining a light on the Buddha and the world at large. The tree of Tabu is indispensable both in material terms and in the origin and meaning of its name.